Need to move your website off Adobe Business Catalyst? We can help you convert to WordPress.
As the end of life of Adobe Business Catalyst approaches, we specialise in moving sites to WordPress. Learn about our Business Catalyst to WordPress service.
10 web design lessons to learn from a disappointing Game of Thrones ending
Now that the dust has settled, we’ve extracted some design lessons from the ashes of King’s Landing. To learn why Ser Bronn would make a terrible website developer and why Daenerys would blow the budget, have a look at our 10 tips.
Using contextual keyboards with StageText on iOS with custom fonts for Adobe Air
A little tutorial explaining how to use custom fonts with contextual keyboards on IOS with Adobe Air.
Simple AS3 class to add subscribers via MailChimp API 3.0
A simple class to allow adding subscribers to a MailChimp List in AS3, for use in Adobe Air cross platform apps. Uses version 3.0 of the MailChimp API.
How to get Mac projectors exported from a PC to open in OSX
If you’re getting error messages about corrupt Flash projectors exported from PC for Mac, there is a work around process – Read more.
Interactive Touch Screen Kiosks and Digital Signage – Adobe Air vs Scala
Looking for a digital signage or interactive touch screen kiosk developer? Reasons why Adobe Air could deliver more bang for your buck.
Build HTML5 games for the mobile browser – The facts and the f(r)iction
Whether HTML5 can pull itself out of it’s failure to deliver or not, there might be a case for mobile browser gaming – here’s why you need to take it with a grain of salt.
Adobe pushes one tech – developers want another
Adobe Air is a highly underrated cross platform development tool – maybe it just needs to be made cool again.
Banner Ad Development Checklist
Having a clear list of banner ad specs will help avoid submission hell – here’s a checklist that’ll help Banner Ad developers and producers alike.
Have you seen which is the most popular Cross platform development tool?
A poll listing 40+ of the best cross platform development tools with one clear standout.
Creative Digital Agency
Code and Visual works with clients around Australia to create and build outstanding and accessible digital services. If you want to discus a project contact us now for an initial consultation.