
Recent Work – Style HQ

Code and Visual was contracted by Design Identity to build the Style HQ site using slick javascript interactivty with an Expression Engine back end. The site makes extensive use of jQuery to provide slick animation and interactivty that would have previously required Flash. Style HQ is a fashion wholesaler and their website required a range […]

Flash on iPhone – Better Than Blitting (Real World Performance Results)

I’ve been working with Flash on the iPhone for a few months now, and although I’ve successfully released a game on the App Store (check out The Hypnotist), I’ve spent most of my time experimenting and trying to discover ways of optimising code and working out just how to get the best performance out of […]

Flash Developer Sydney

Flash Development Code and Visual provide contracted and outsourced Flash and web development solutions for a range of clients both large and small. With all the talk about HTML 5 for the web and working with native code on devices, Code and Visual still have a strong enthusiasm for the Flash platform and the many […]

Parallax class for Flash iPhone games

What is Parallax? For those of you who don’t know what parallax is, the best way to describe it is the way objects in the background tend to move less than objects closer to the viewer. Here’s a wiki link for something more indepth. Side scrolling 2D games provide the perfect opportunity to use the […]

Recent work – The Mighty Artline

George Patterson Y&R contracted Code and Visual to complete and clean up the development of the Mighty Artline site on a very tight deadline. This involved re-implementing swfAddress and successfully rebuilding the drawing function which is central to the site concept. The site also implements Code and Visual’s custom form kit which streamlines the production […]

Bundling Files With Your Flash iPhone App Using FlashDevelop

Following on from the Exporting for iPhone Tutorial this addition will show you how to bundle additional files with your iPhone app. Why would you want to do this? Perhaps you’ve built your app using external resources such as XML data and/or images and you wish to load them at runtime to give you greater […]

Collection of useful links for working with Molehill

With the upcoming release of Molehill in a future version of Flash I decided to have a play around and see just what was involved in setting up a project in order to test out the new APIs. I was primarily interested in speed increased for 2D performance as this is the sort of work […]

Exporting for iPhone using Air 2.7 and FlashDevelop – Part Five, Loading your .IPA File onto a Test Device

Continuing on from Part Four of the Exporting for iPhone using Air 2.7 and FlashDevelop Tutorial You should should now have your app compiled to a .ipa file ready to be loaded onto your test device. Uploading Through iTunes Having previously installed the provisioning profile on your test device (if you haven’t done this step, […]

Exporting for iPhone using Air 2.7 and FlashDevelop – Part Four, Creating an Air Certificate and Compiling to .IPA

Continuing on from Part Three of the Exporting for iPhone using Air 2.7 and FlashDevelop Tutorial You should should now have your Apple Developer account and certificates ready to package up your app. In this part we will compile the .swf into an .ipa file ready to transfer onto an iOS device for testing. Putting […]

Exporting for iPhone using Air 2.7 and FlashDevelop – Part Three, Generating Developer Certificates, Provisioning Profiles and .p12 files

Continuing on from Part Two of the Exporting for iPhone using Air 2.7 and FlashDevelop Tutorial You should have a FlashDevelop project built and ready to export your swf file for conversion into an iOS friendly .ipa file. In Part Three we will learn about the certificates required by Apple in order to create your […]

Creative Digital Agency

Code and Visual works with clients around Australia to create and build outstanding and accessible digital services. If you want to discus a project contact us now for an initial consultation.


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