Open source AS3 frameworks to test run
With so many handy AS3 frameworks out there I often get excited about each new offering, but in the end I’m overwhelmed with the options and so rarely give any a test run.
Frameworks I use
Here’s a list of frameworks that I do rely on heavily and couldn’t live without (This is mostly for Flash website development).
PureMVC Brilliant MVC framework for AS3 (and a plethora of other platforms). This was my first foray into MVC and was hard going to get my head around, but now, I don’t look back!
swfAddress Integral for current Flash website development. Adds deep linking and browser history to your websites. Another good thing about swfAddress is that it forces you to use elements of good practice when developing your navigation code, it’s asymmetrical and requires a central navigation function.
Tweener One of the many Tween engines out there. I like Tweener because it’s simple to use and has shortcuts for really handy things (like colour effects and sound control). Most tween engines these days all do pretty much the same thing – either way they are vital tools for any actionscript animation.
And of course I have my own Tool and UI packages that I leverage on projects, being able to streamline and make more robust with each new job.
Frameworks to test run
But now to the point of this post. My new resolution is to tackle the mountain of frameworks out there, one at a time. I’ll do a quick “hello world” demo with each to get some hands on experience and see any potential for practical use. So, I’ll add to this list, but to start off with I’ll be looking at:
Flash Camoflage I don’t know too much about camoflage, but my general understanding is that it’s a Flash chrome and skinning framework
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