Articles: mobile apps
Why We Developed Real Estate Ranker, The Ultimate Australian Property Comparison App
Navigating the property market can be daunting, especially in bustling markets like Sydney. That’s why we’ve been hard at work building “Real Estate Ranker”, an innovative user-friendly real estate app designed to simplify the property comparison process for homebuyers across Australia. Read on to discover why we’ve released the Beta version of our app, and […]
Recent Work – Eggy Vocabulary – #1 Educational iPad app
Just finished a great project to work on with a very satisfying result seeing the app reach the number one slot on the app store immediately, thanks I’m sure to a lot of great marketing on Blakes behalf. Reaching the top of the iTunes charts in the very first weekend of release this educational app […]
Recent Work – iPad/Android App: Inside My toyota
Code and Visual was contracted by AdInc to develop the mobile app for Toyota’s Inside My Toyota flip chart. The app was built with Adobe Air and utilised the same code base to create both the iPad and Android (Galaxy Tab 10.1) versions. The app allows Toyota staff to easily communicate technical issues and concepts […]
Creative Digital Agency
Code and Visual works with clients around Australia to create and build outstanding and accessible digital services. If you want to discus a project contact us now for an initial consultation.